
We’re stoked that you care enough to want to have a fantastically well-run team. For a little bit of extra effort, you will be a rock star coach to your players and their families. We recommend you start with a series of short articles that covers every aspect of running your team. Make sure you leverage the templates to help save you a ton of time!

New Coach Training and Certification All the step-by-step instructions you’ll need to get formally up to speed
Coaching Equipment Checklist Make sure you have all the right gear in your bag
Should you Take The Referee Course A very important consideration for new coaches. Highly recommended read!
Creating A Successful Culture Your success as a coach is ultimately downstream from your team’s culture. Here’s how you can easily get started
Getting Volunteers Some clever tips and tricks to make sure you get all the volunteer help you need for the season
Team Communication Plan A checklist of sorts for various communications to send your team and full of templates to save you time!
Introductory Email To Parents Template
Soccer Equipment Cut and paste into your emails or send parents directly here for a refresher for the season
Meet Your Team Day Never sure of what to cover at MYTD? Try this talking points agenda
Team Website Work the web like a pro for all your team needs
Team Text Thread A handy lifesaver you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it
First Practice Player Meeting Get your team’s “esprit de corps” maxed from day 1
First Week Of Practice Recap Email To Parents Template
Preseason Email To Parents Template
First Game Recap Email To Parents Template
Monthly Update To Parents Template
Midseason Practice Parties Great easy and fun ideas to help bond with your team and families
End Of Season Parent Email Template
Team Fund And Banner Take all the stress out and make it fun and easy
Distributing Jerseys Clever tips for handling this simple yet “fraught with peril” process
Picking A Team Name Avoid those disappointed looks from players forever more
The Cheer/Chant Have some fun and build your team identity
Dealing With Snacks How to never deal with this hassle again
Dealing With Disciplinary Issues Keep your players engaged without having to be the bad guy all the time
Practicing In Inclement Weather A survival guide for avoiding complaints
Coaches’ Gift A resource for your team parent so you ensure you wind up with something deserving of the effort you invested all season
“Last Practice” Celebration How to end the season in style and leave parents asking how they make sure their kid is on your team again!
The Draft Learn to draft like the pros! (j/k, but may be helpful!)
AYSO Six Philosophies Handy refresher
Player Development Initiatives Handy reference
Soccer Organizations This will take some of the mystery out of how world soccer is organized all the way down to 1455
Coaching Code Of Conduct Required reading before the start of the season!
Avoiding Blowouts Required reading before the start of the season. Address this in practice, not in the game!
Coach FAQ and Forms Handy reference
AYSO And US Soccer Federation Cross Coaching Certification Handy reference