Meet Your Team Day (MYTD) is a once per season opportunity for the league to educate parents on the format for the season, discuss roles and responsibilities, and allow you the chance to meet all your parents and players. This is a great chance to make a great first in-person impression. You’ve no doubt already been in communication with them over email (here is the email to send to them before MYTD), now is the chance to have a bit of fun face-to-face time to set the tone for the season.
Your goals for this short 15 minute session should be short and sweet:
- Allow the players and parents to get to know you
- Allow them to get to know each other
- Lay out your high level goals for the season
- Capture any logistics information
- Q&A
So your talking points could look something like this:
- Introduce yourself – Talk to your players about why you coach and why you love soccer
- Have the players introduce themselves – Ask them to go around the table and maybe provide their name, what school they go to, and what they like about soccer. I also like to ask them to add in something fun, e.g. a fun hobby, a silly skill. Anything that helps start breaking the ice
- Talk to them about your high level goals for the season. Something I’ve always borrowed from another coach is: #1 – Have fun; #2 Get better each week. I like to talk about some of the fun things we’ll do like squirt gun practice, ice cream social, etc
- Turn your attention to the parents and you can recap information on uniforms, practice times, what they need for 1st practice etc. Always review the volunteer positions you have open, thank whoever has already volunteered, and ask for additional ones. Don’t be afraid of some awkward silence.
- Ask for any questions and wrap it up!
Always send out a recap email shortly afterwards as you’ll never get 100% attendance rate.
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