Thank you for volunteering to coach and helping to make an awesome soccer experience for the kids. We appreciate the generous donation of your time and energy. After filling out this form, if you should need to change any information, you can fill it out again and only the latest version will be kept. Send any questions to or to your division coordinator.

    Note: this is an APPLICATION to coach during our Fall, 2020 AYSO season. We will assign coaches based on program needs and certifications. You will be notified if accepted.

    What's Happening with the Season
    Due to the COVID-19 quarantine, we are not yet certain on the season start dates and specific details. We will be proceeding as if things will run as they usually would with two changes:

    • For now, player registration is pre-registration only. See for details. Once dates are confirmed, players will be welcomed into the program and registration fees can be paid.
    • Coaches and other volunteers will not be able to register as a volunteer and have their background check completed yet.
      So, for now, we are skipping that step.

    What Do I Need to Do?
    Filling out this form, in its entirety is what gets you onto our coaches list.
    Note: If you have not volunteered with AYSO in the past, you will not be able to login to and will be unable to complete any of these steps at this time. We will let you know when you will be able to.

    NEW: Complete the Sudden Cardiac Arrest training at
    I understand I will need to complete the Sudden Cardiac Arrest training

    Complete the Safe Haven training at You only need to do this once, so if you did it for a previous season you should be fine. Please login to and check your certifications - see how to do this here. Once you have completed this, please check this box and continue.
    I completed the Safe Haven

    Complete the CDC Concussion training at You only need to do this once, so if you did it for a previous season you should be fine. Please login to and check your certifications. Once you have completed this, please check this box and continue.
    I completed the CDC

    Complete Online Coach training at You should complete 6U to coach 5U/6U, 8U to coach 7U/8U or 10U to coach 10U.
    For older divisions, please complete the pre-course training online - we will let you know what to do in the future. You only need to do each training once, so if you did it for a previous season you should be fine. Please login to and check your certifications. Once you have completed this for all divisions (10U and below) you will be coaching in the fall, please check this box and continue.
    I completed Coach Training

    At a later date you will need to login and register as a coach/assistant coach in Sports Connect (formerly Blue Sombrero) at for the Fall 2020 program and for each division that you would like to coach. We will let you know when to do this.
    Please make sure that you finish the registration completely.

    After registering as a coach, you will need to follow the instructions received via email to complete your background check. You only need to do this once per AYSO soccer year (which runs August through July).

    Also, look at the Coach Connection for lots of helpful information.

    Your Information
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Email Address:
    Cell Phone #:
    Coach Shirt Size request (all men's sizes):

    Have you coached AYSO before?
    Yes in Region 1455
    Yes, in another region (which region(s)):
    Please check all divisions that you would like to coach (birth years for each division is shown in parentheses - 5U+6U are combined and 7U+8U are combined)

    Head Coach
    Assistant Coach
    Boys 5U (2016) HC
    Boys 6U (2015) HC
    Boys 7U (2014) HC
    Boys 8U (2013) HC
    Boys 10U (2011-2012) HC
    Boys 12U (2009-2010) HC
    Boys 14U (2007-2008) HC
    Boys 16U (2005-2006) HC
    Boys 19U (2002-2004) HC

    Girls 5U (2016) HC
    Girls 6U (2015) HC
    Girls 7U (2014) HC
    Girls 8U (2013) HC
    Girls 10U (2011-2012) HC
    Girls 12U (2009-2010) HC
    Girls 14U (2007-2008) HC
    Girls 16U (2005-2006) HC
    Girls 19U (2002-2004) HC

    Boys 5U (2016) AC
    Boys 6U (2015) AC
    Boys 7U (2014) AC
    Boys 8U (2013) AC
    Boys 10U (2011-2012) AC
    Boys 12U (2009-2010) AC
    Boys 14U (2007-2008) AC
    Boys 16U (2005-2006) AC
    Boys 19U (2002-2004) AC

    Girls 5U (2016) AC
    Girls 6U (2015) AC
    Girls 7U (2014) AC
    Girls 8U (2013) AC
    Girls 10U (2011-2012) AC
    Girls 12U (2009-2010) AC
    Girls 14U (2007-2008) AC
    Girls 16U (2005-2006) AC
    Girls 19U (2001-2003) AC

    Practice Availability
    Please let us know all practice times that you are available. You may rank them in order of preference. We do not have our field permits yet, so please be aware that it is possible that not all days of the week will be available.

    5U Does not practice during the week.

    6U/7U/8U will practice once per week. Practice time slots are 4:00-5:00pm and 5:00-6:00pm for the majority of the season, until Daylight Saving Time ends in November. Slots then become 3:30-4:15pm and 4:15pm-5:00pm.

    10U/12U/14U/16U/19U will practice twice per week. Practice time slots are 3:30-4:55pm and 5:00-6:25pm for the majority of the season, until Daylight Saving Time ends in November. Slots then become 3:30-4:15pm and 4:15pm-5:00pm.

    Please rank all time slots you are available in the box below (for example "1-Mon 4:00pm, 2-Fri 5:00pm..."). You should give at least 3 time slots that you are available.

    Other Info

    Is there a coach you would like to be paired (head/assistant) with? (Head Coaches will only be assigned 1 assistant coach this year - Please only request one pairing or rank your requested ACs).

    Any comments or questions? Would you be interested in becoming more involved and joining our region's board? We have the need for division coordinators and other positions. Also, please note that there are no teammate requests. Only the head and assistant coaches' kids or players returning from your fall team will be assigned to your team.

    Dates to save (tentative):

    • Week of Aug 31 - Finalization of Registration
    • Week of Sep 14 - Player Drafts for 10U/12U/14U - via Zoom
    • Week of Sep 14 - Coach Meetings - via Zoom
    • Practice may begin as early as Sep 21, but this is TBD

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