Have you registered as a coach/assistant coach in Blue Sombrero at ayso1455.org for the 2019 Spring Core and Extra program and for each division that you would like to coach? Please make sure that you finished the registration completely and it reads "eligible" next to your name in your account profile. Once you have completed this, please check this box and continue. I have registered
Have you completed the Safe Haven training at aysou.org since 2014? Once you have completed this, please check this box and continue. I completed the Safe Haven
Have you completed the CDC Concussion training at aysou.org? Once you have completed this, please check this box and continue. I completed the CDC
Please check all courses that you have completed (you do not need to complete this training to continue filling out this form). Required for 5U: 6U online coaching course Required for 6U: 6U in-person coaching course Required for 7U & 8U: 8U in-person coaching course Required for 10U: 10U in-person coaching course Required for 12U: 12U in-person coaching course Required for 14U+: Intermediate in-person coaching course Required for 16U & 19U: Advanced in-person coaching course
5U/6U/7U/8U will practice once per week. Practice time slots are 3:30-4:15pm and 4:15-5:00pm until Daylight Savings Time begins on March 10. Slots then become 4:00-4:55pm and 5:00-5:55pm.
10U/12U/14U will be guaranteed one practice once per week, with an additional practice slot based on field availability. Practice time slots are 3:30-4:15pm and 4:15-5:00pm until Daylight Savings Time begins on March 10. Slots then become 3:30-4:55pm and 5:00-6:25pm. There will be a limited amount of time slots available under the lights at 4:00-5:25pm, 5:30-6:55pm and 7:00-8:25pm. Every team will be given one time slot before any gets a second. Those that take the earlier slots are much more likely to get a second slot.
Please rank all time slots you are available in the box below (for example "1-Mon 4:15pm, 2-Fri 3:30pm...")