Information provided for the player should be for the upcoming season.
Gender: MF
Email Address:
How many adults/minors are living in the household:
Is your child receiving/eligible for school lunches/meals?YesNo
Annual Family Gross Income:
You are applying for a Scholarship to play in Ladera Ranch AYSO, Region 1455:YesNo
I understand that all non-refundable fees, transaction fees, and minimal league contribution (i.e National Player fees, uniforms) are not covered by applying to this Player Scholarship Program.YesNo
If you answered "No" to the above question, please explain why.
For what program are you applying a Scholarship for?FallSpring
Please provide us some information about your financial or other situation that will assist us:
Have you received a Playership for this Player from AYSO in the past?YesNo
I have answered the above questions to the best of my ability. I have been honest about the family's situation. Type your FULL NAME as a digital signature.